These publications are Chapters of Books written by professor Errol Miller within Books: either for Free for download here on, for purchase elsewhere or currently not available in electronic form or print.
These publications are Chapters of Books written by professor Errol Miller within Books: either for Free for download here on, for purchase elsewhere or currently not available in electronic form or print.
Reflections are those in Text or PowerPoint Presentations.
Tapes recorded by the Church at which these messages were preached.
Keynote speeches and public lectures delivered by professor Errol Miller.
Motivational speeches delivered by professor Errol Miller.
Prizegiving and graduation speeches delivered by Professor Errol Miller.
Speeches on general issues delivered by Professor Errol Miller.
Addresses presented by chairman Professor Errol Miller on behalf of the ECJ
This category comprises material written by Professor Errol Miller for conventions related to electoral matters.
National broadcasts and messages from the ECJ written by chairman Professor Errol Miller.
This category comprises of literature about innovations made by the Electoral Commission of Jamaica by Professor Errol Miller.
Letters that were written by the then chairman of the Electoral Commission of Jamaica, Professor Errol Miller.
Messages that were written by Professor Errol Miller in his capacity as chancellor of The Mico University College.
Citations and Tributes By Professor Errol Miller at the Mico University College.
Graduation addresses by Professor Errol Miller at the Mico University College
Research day messages by Professor Errol Miller at the Mico Univesity College.