
Motivational speeches delivered by professor Errol Miller. TO SEE FULL LIST OF MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHES CLICK HERE


Emancipation Lecture at Phillippo Baptist Church.

Rev. James Mursell Phillippo: Life and Legacy.   Led by its pastor Rev Karl Johnson, the Phillippo Baptist Church decided to establish annual Emancipation Lectures and invited Professor Emeritus Errol Miller to deliver the first Lecture on July 30th, 2023. In 1823 Rev James Mursell Phillippo was ordained as a Baptist minister in England, Life […]

You can Still Achieve your Dreams

MUTUAL LIFE ASSSURANCE COMPANY RETREAT It is always more challenging to be assigned a topic than to choose your own. The organisers of this Retreat assigned me this topic, along with the injunction that this is the note upon which these three days of mountain top experience will come to an end. The intention I […]

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