Education in Jamaica

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Transformation and Reformation

Education in Jamaica: Transformation and Reformation. Miller, Errol and Grace Camille Munroe 2013. In Emel Thomas, Editor. Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean and Netherland Antilles. Bloomsbury Academics. London, Oxford, New York, New Delhi and Sydney. Chapter 13.

This chapter gives a brief background of education in Jamaica in the colonial era before proceeding to outline the rationales, goals and targets of education reforms in Jamaica in the second half of the 20th century and first decade of the 21 century. These include:

  • The National Plan of Jamaica 1957 to 1967
  • The Five Year Independence Plan 1962 to 1968
  • The New Deal in Education 1966
  • The Reforms of the 1970s inclusive of free secondary, tertiary education and special education and the conversion of three-year junior secondary schools to five-year secondary schools.
  • Reforms in the economic downturn of the 1980s
  • Reforms of the 1990s
  • The Education Transformation Project and Programme 2004.
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