Making Changes :CETT as a catalyst

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CETT as a Catalyst for Regional Reform of Teacher Education Policy and Practices

Making Changes: CETT as a Catalyst for Regional Reform of Teacher Education Policy and Practices: (2006) In, Broadening the Vision of Teacher Education in the Caribbean. Editors Rose Davies and Lorna Down. Institute of Education Publication Series No. 2. Institute of Education University of the West Indies Mona, Kingston Jamaica. Pp 44 – 62

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Summit of the Americas Initiative 2001 proposed by President George Bush, sponsored the Centers of Excellence in Teacher Training (CETT) in Latin America and the Caribbean with the expressed purpose of improving the teachers of reading in Grades 1 to 3. The assumption of this initiative was that achieving excellence in the teaching of reading in the early grades of primary education was of great strategic importance in teaching students to read by the end of Grade 3 which was critical to the overall improvement of primary education given the centrality of reading in the curriculum. Three CETTs were established: the Andean; Central American and Caribbean. The three CETTs were mandated to target schools serving disadvantaged communities. Each CETT was given the autonomy to design itself and to operate in accordance with the imperatives of its region.

Making Changes briefly describes the general components of the CETT initiative and the five main components for which resources were provided but gives details of the Caribbean CETT in terms of:

  1. Its location in the Joint Boards of Teacher Education (JBTE) of the Schools of Education of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, and Mona campuses, but with its headquarters at JBTE, Mona
  2. Its organizational structure
  3. The three major strategies employed and the initial implementations of these strategies
  4. Challenges encountered in implementation in the five countries in which it was first established namely Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines
  5. Early accomplishments.
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