UWI’s Contribution to Caribbean Education

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In The University of the West Indies 40th Anniversary Lectures. Editor. F R. Augier. The University of the West Indies, Mona: Kingston 1990. Pp 47-64

In assessing the UWI’s contribution to education over the period 1948 to 1988, this essay follows two main lines: what a university is and what it does or stated alternatively, its being and its actions. In terms of being universities follow two main functions elite and popular. Its elite function has three main elements: providing a literal education; creating new knowledge and selecting and certifying a social elite. Its popular function has two elements providing places to as many students to continue education beyond high school and to provide useful knowledge and services. Using this schema the essay assessments to the contribution that UWI has made in the Commonwealth Caribbean in the field of education over the period of its first 40 years. The essay concludes with the observation that Caribbean policy makers, planners, and educators have been operating largely within the conceptual framework of the colonial past and the development hypothesis. With respect to the development hypothesis, Miller confesses to being an unrepentant agnostic because the latter confuses more than it clarifies and perpetuates much more than it changes.  The challenge of the UWI was and would continue to be helping leaders and people to think through this dilemma and paradox.

UWI’s Contribution to Caribbean Education

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