- Nature and Needs of Educational Administration in the Commonwealth Caribbean
- Special Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean
- Gender and the Democratization of Caribbean Society
- Teacher Education: The Partnership between UWI and Teachers Colleges
- Partnership for Computer Assisted Instruction
- A Review of OECS Education
Caribbean Journal of Education Vol 12 Nos 1 and 2: 1985 Pp 27-42
Nature and Needs of Educational Administration in the Commonwealth Caribbean argues that the education sector, globally, is integrally and profoundly related to politics, social stratification, culture, and economy. Consequentially educational administration operates at the intersection of these and is a function of the interplay of these imperatives. The paper therefore identifies and describes the political themes, social stratification, and socializing patterns, cultural factors, and economic relationships that have marked educational administration in the Commonwealth Caribbean. The paper also discusses the main traditions in educational administration related to recruitment of administrators and their roles and functions in community and society. The paper concludes with a discussion of needs in educational administration in the sub-region.