Special Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean

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First published in Caribbean Journal of Education Volume 12 No 3 1987   Pp 274-282

This paper is a Report on Special Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean. It provides a brief sketch of the antecedents of in the region and looks at the constraining conditions in providing special education. It records the system of classification of special needs that have been employed and identifies the increasing trend within the region of governments becoming involved in special education in the training of teachers in special education and secondly in incorporating special schools in the public system of schooling along with the provision of necessary support services.

Professor Errol Miller has had a rather unique professional and public service career which has given him almost a three hundred and sixty-degree exposure within the education enterprise. He has been a high school science teacher; university lecturer in science education; college principal; university professor, chancellor of a university college, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Education; independent senator in the Parliament of Jamaica; a president of the teachers’ association; a chairman of the board of the state broadcasting corporation; chairman of the Electoral Commission of Jamaica; a researcher; an author; an international consultant; chairman or member of several school and college boards.
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