The Partnership between the University of the West Indies and Teachers Colleges

- Nature and Needs of Educational Administration in the Commonwealth Caribbean
- Special Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean
- Gender and the Democratization of Caribbean Society
- Teacher Education: The Partnership between UWI and Teachers Colleges
- Partnership for Computer Assisted Instruction
- A Review of OECS Education
Caribbean Journal of Education, Vol 23, Nos 1 and 2, 2001: Pp 73-88.
Teacher Education: The Partnership between the University of the West Indies and Teachers Colleges share similar content to Colleges Training Teachers and the School of Education, UWI. However, it omits the brief historical sketch of the evolution of teacher education in the Commonwealth Caribbean and starts with the creation of the training of secondary school teachers in 1952 in the Department of Education. Its focus is on the School of Education, Mona and the partnership with national colleges in the Western Caribbean, particularly in Jamaica. The 1990s was a turning point in teacher education particularly in the Western Caribbean and this paper updates the dialogue taking place in the closing years of the 20th century and the turn of the 21st century.