Tags: education

A tribute to Dr. Rose Davies

Dr. Rose Davies was a complete professional. She was unassuming, nonchalantly confident, and formidably competent in whatever she undertook, thereby readily dismissing any attempt to underestimate or overlook her or the fields in which she worked. Dr. Davies was a leader who did not need to command overtly because of the thoroughness with which she […]

Education for a Caribbean Mindset. Inaugural Eric Downie Memorial Lecture Sept 2009.

INTRODUCTION The Reverend Dr. Devon Dick and the Organisers of the Boulevard Baptist Church have conferred on me the great honour to deliver this first Eric Downie Memorial Lecture. While the task is awesome, it is not one that I could decline. We are inaugurating the commemoration of the life and work of a remarkable […]

UWI 2012 Graduation Address – Humanities and Education

   INTRODUCTION Chancellor, Sir George Alleyne; Vice-Chancellor Professor E. Nigel Harris; Fellow Honorary Graduand Dr Joy Spence; Principals: Sir Hilary Beckles (Cave Hill); Professor Hazel Simmons-McDonald (Open Campus); Professor Gordon Shirley (Mona) and Professor Brian Copeland (St Augustine); Pro Vice Chancellors: Professor Yvette Jackson and Professor Alvin Wint; University Librarian Ms Jennifer Joseph; other members […]


Click here to download PDF Errol Miller INTRODUCTION Distinguished ladies and gentlemen all, let me thank the University Centre, and particularly Mrs Jane Bennett, for inviting me to give this public lecture this evening. I welcome the opportunity to speak in Belize on a subject with which I have been engaged continuously in the Commonwealth […]

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