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Chancellor’s Message – Graduation 2014


The Mico has several terms that bind students together which extend to their lecturers and principals. One such term is grub: neophytes entering the institution in a particular year. Grubs form a batch and are linked for life. I still remember being the grub principal. However, for the batch that entered the Mico in 1972, wherever and whenever we meet, we affectionately recall that we were grubs together.You are forever linked with Professor Packer in that you graduate in the year that he retired. While the University College will express its gratitude to Professor Packer at a special occasion, allow me on your behalf, to thank Professor Packer for his outstanding leadership and service to the Mico as principal and then as its first President. The history of the Mico will always recall that Professor Packer led the successful transformation of the institution from College to University College.

Dr. Carol Clarke Interim President. First Female in the Presidency: Miconian; Student in my time.

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Graduating Class of 2014 in your sojourn at the Mico you have encountered what the institution does and what it is. Doing and being are inextricably joined in human formation. In the various programmes and courses that you have pursued the Mico has done all that it could to make you competent professionals and practitioners possessed of the knowledge and skills required in your respective fields. You have been tested and found to be competent. But competence is never sufficient if you are to serve the common good of the community. Competence without conscience is the fountain-head of greed, self-aggrandizement and the abuse of power, resources, and status.

This is why what the Mico does is complemented by what has been and is. The Mico is a non-denominational Christian institution. The ethos and the ethics of the Mico are committed to:

  1. Doing what is right and honourable
  2. Acting justly and fairly
  3. Seeking and abiding by truth
  4. Showing mercy and love
  5. Living purposeful lives
  6. Walking humbly with our fellow human beings and with God
  7. Bringing glory to God.

Competence combined with the Christian ethic is the foundation of service that transforms and redeems society. Go forth therefore armed with the competence that the Mico has given you and possessed by the Christian conscience it has sought to foster. Engage with the world that awaits your service.

Professor Emeritus the Honourable Errol Miller CD; OJ; Ph.D.; LLD


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