Chancellors Messages

Messages that were written by Professor Errol Miller in his capacity as chancellor of The Mico University College.

The Ethos and the Ethic

Chancellor’s Message – Graduation 2014  Notes The Mico has several terms that bind students together which extend to their lecturers and principals. One such term is grub: neophytes entering the institution in a particular year. Grubs form a batch and are linked for life. I still remember being the grub principal. However, for the batch […]

Sixty Years Later

CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE: GRADUATION 2013 The Class of 2013 is comprised of 420 Miconians graduating this evening: 25 with Joint Board Diplomas; 349 with Bachelor Degrees, 46 with Masters Degrees. You have been prepared for work as Teachers of Early Childhood, Primary, Special Needs and Secondary schools and as Counsellors. In 1953, the total enrolment of […]

Chancellor’s Message 2009

CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE – Graduation Message 2009 There can be no question that you, the Graduating Class of 2009 are graduating in difficult times. However, difficult times and graduating classes of The Mico are no strangers. Difficult times have been the cradle in which the professional careers of many great Miconians have started. The first batch […]

The Choice

CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE – Graduation 2012 ‘Choice’ is a defining feature of being humans. However, like most things, there are a few exceptions. Hence, there are a few situations in life where we do not get to choose. For example, we do not get to choose our parents or when we are born. These are wrappings that […]

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