Male marginalization revised
Male Marginalisation Revisited. In Gender in the 21st Century: Caribbean Perspectives, Visions and Possibilities. Editors: Barbara Bailey and Elsa Leo-Rhynie Editors. Ian Randle Publishers. Kingston. 2004. Pp 99-133.
Another View The approach of this Blog is to go below the surface of an issue or a development in society in such a manner as to provide another perspective, or to stimulate thinking about an angle that is not being explored sufficiently, or to give another interpretation that has merit. It is not intended to be an abstract academic paper. At the same time, it is not intended to be an instant analysis that overlooks important considerations. The commitment is to post Another View on the morning of the First Thursday of each month. LIST OF ANOTHER VIEW BLOG ARTICLES
Male Marginalisation Revisited. In Gender in the 21st Century: Caribbean Perspectives, Visions and Possibilities. Editors: Barbara Bailey and Elsa Leo-Rhynie Editors. Ian Randle Publishers. Kingston. 2004. Pp 99-133.
Who endured such contradictions of sinners Errol Miller Bishop Dr Joe Aldred, I bring you greetings from Rev Dr Oral Thomas President and Rev Dr Glenroy Lalor, former Baptist Warden, who both remember with admiration and fondness you and your time spent in 2016 as Distinguished Visitor at the United Theological College of the West […]
The Four Unusual Public Actions of Jesus in Holy Week marked the end of His three-and-a-half-year public ministry. Each of these four actions is not usual nor typical of Jesus’s public ministry. However, they are central to who He is and to His purpose in entering history. They form part of what makes Palm Sunday […]
INTRODUCTION IT’S ABOUT POWER, NOT ABOUT THE ECONOMY It’s All About Power Part 3: WASP versus the Rising Marginalized is the most apt description of the current state of power as it is contested in the United States. The 116th Congress is younger, more female, more ethnically and racially diverse, broader in acknowledged sexual orientation, […]
Reflections are those in Text or PowerPoint Presentations.
Tapes recorded by the Church at which these messages were preached.
Keynote speeches and public lectures delivered by professor Errol Miller.
Motivational speeches delivered by professor Errol Miller.
Prizegiving and graduation speeches delivered by Professor Errol Miller.
Speeches on general issues delivered by Professor Errol Miller.
Addresses presented by chairman Professor Errol Miller on behalf of the ECJ
This category comprises material written by Professor Errol Miller for conventions related to electoral matters.
National broadcasts and messages from the ECJ written by chairman Professor Errol Miller.
This category comprises of literature about innovations made by the Electoral Commission of Jamaica by Professor Errol Miller.
Letters that were written by the then chairman of the Electoral Commission of Jamaica, Professor Errol Miller.
Messages that were written by Professor Errol Miller in his capacity as chancellor of The Mico University College.
Citations and Tributes By Professor Errol Miller at the Mico University College.
Graduation addresses by Professor Errol Miller at the Mico University College
Research day messages by Professor Errol Miller at the Mico Univesity College.