Tags: tribute


A tribute to Owen Everald James

I first met Owen Everard James in 2012 during the 50th Anniversary reunion of the Mico Independence Batch of 1962. I was then Chancellor of Mico University College (MUC). It was at that reunion the idea of a vehicle to raise funds on a sustained basis for the benefit of MUC was born. The idea […]

Mrs. Phyllis Agatha Harvey Grant

Tribute to our mother in law There is a tired imported joke, oft-repeated to define mixed emotions. The joke is that mixed emotions are the feeling a man has when he sees his Mother-in-Law driving over a precipice in his brand-new Mercedes Benz. We who married into the Harvey-Grant family are here to testify that […]

A tribute to Dr. Rose Davies

Dr. Rose Davies was a complete professional. She was unassuming, nonchalantly confident, and formidably competent in whatever she undertook, thereby readily dismissing any attempt to underestimate or overlook her or the fields in which she worked. Dr. Davies was a leader who did not need to command overtly because of the thoroughness with which she […]

Tribute to Amy Miller

Amy Miller was special. An educator with a lifetime of success she arrived at the Institute of Education as Secretary of the Joint Board of Teacher Education, just after retiring from St Josephs Teachers College as a Principal Lecturer. The Joint Board at that time was operating on a shoe-string. The Office was a medium […]

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