Preparing Caribbean Males for the Twenty-First Century

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Part of the Touch series:
  • Preparing Caribbean Males for the Twenty-First Century

Preparing Caribbean Males for the Twenty-First Century in Touch Volume 35 1998 Pp 12-29.

This paper provides caution with respect to how gender is understood and how the Caribbean is regarded in the world community and identifies the interaction of gender with other criteria operative in Caribbean society. As an example of this interaction, the paper provides data, in graphical form, of the proportion of males and females of different socioeconomic backgrounds who were selected to enter high schools in Jamaica in the years 1962 and 1982 and then examines the patterns evident in these data. Preparing Caribbean Males for the Twenty-First Century then identifies emerging characteristics of twenty-first-century society and discusses what the author proposes as appropriate education for males in the Caribbean in the twenty-first century.

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