Some Introductory Remarks
In Human Resource Development and Workplace Governance in the Caribbean. Edited by Noel Cowell and Clement Branche. 2002. Ian Randle Publishers: Kingston Pp 37-43
This Chapter poses some basic questions about education, training and the new workplace.
These questions are:
- Is the workplace the main aim of education and training?
- Should education and training occur only prior to the workplace?
- Is the new workplace axiomatic and education and training the problematic?
- Where is the new workplace?
- Are not jobs, work and virtual reality not more problematic than education and training?
- Are the old distinctions between academic education and vocational training still useful?
- Will the institutional framework for delivering education and training not change substantially over the next decades?
- How should education and training be redesigned to give Caribbean people maximum opportunity to benefit from high-wage work that is and will be generated?